Article of the Month

-Lang, R., Sigafoos, J., Lancioni, G., Didden, R., & Rispoli, M.  (2010).  Influence of assessment setting on the results of functional analyses of problem behavior.  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 43, 565-567. (click for full text)

(Brief review article looking at whether the function of a problem behavior identified in one setting carries over to other settings, and what implications these findings have on corresponding intervention plans.)

Recommended Journals

Analysis of Verbal Behavior  (full text available)

Behavioral Disorders

Behavioral Interventions

Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities

Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (full text available)

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry

Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention (full text available)

Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions

Preventing School Failure

Research in Developmental Disabilities

Recommended Articles

-Bannerman, D. J., Sheldon, J. B., Sherman, J. A., & Harchik, A. E.  (1990).  Balancing the right to habilitation with the right to personal liberties: The rights of people with developmental disabilities to eat too many doughnuts and take a nap.  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 23, 79-89.  (click for full text)

(Presents an insightful discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of allowing clients with developmental disabilities to choose or refuse daily activities.)

Bellini, S., & McConnell, L. L.  (2010).  Strength-based educational programming for students with autism spectrum disorders: A case for video self-modeling.  Preventing School Failure, 54, 220-227.

(Identifies and details the use of two forms of video self-monitoring interventions, positive self-review and video feedforward.  Advantages and drawbacks are discussed.)

-Fletcher, D., Boon, R. T., & Cihak, D. F.  (2010).  Effects of the Touchmath program compared to a number line strategy to teach addition facts to middle school students with moderate intellectual disabilities.  Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 45, 449-458.

(Demonstrates the effectiveness of the Touchmath program as compared to a number line on student accuracy completing single-digit math problems.)

-Blood, E.  (2010).  Effects of student response systems on participation and learning of students with emotional and behavioral disorders.  Behavioral Disorders, 35, 214-228.

(Compares the use of student response systems to traditional classroom instruction.  SRS was found to increase frequency of student responses, but did not have any clear effects on task engagement or academic achievement.

-Hume, K., & Reynolds, B.  (2010).  Implementing work systems across the school day: Increasing engagement in students with autism spectrum disorders.  Preventing School Failure, 54, 228-237.

(Discusses the possible benefits and steps for implementation of work systems--similar to activity schedules--with students with autism spectrum disorders.

-Paul, C., Williams, K. E., Riegel, K., & Gibbons, B.  (2007).  Combining repeated taste exposure and escape prevention: An intervention for the treatment of extreme food selectivity.  Appetite, 49, 708-711.

(A large percentage of children with autism experience some form of feeding issues.  This brief article describes one approach for addressing food selectivity.)